Sunday, June 5, 2011

Writing Weekend Wrap-Up & "Don't be a CREEP, Part 2"

I decided to start writing again ^_^ Whenever I try writing a long poem or narrative, something occurs at work or in life which pulls me away from what I want to write about. Then, when I return to it, I am so far removed from the thought process, which brought me to that stage in my work, I forget what I wrote about to begin with! o_O Same goes for reading; I have many unfinished books.

I wrote "junk" stories in the past, but those were for me and hardly worth publishing. About one or two weeks later, I delete them and start over from scratch. This time, I want to write something thoughtful and insightful like the French-Canadian comic book I submitted for French class back in eighth grade (it was about three lizards named Gorgo, Titan, and Bronco).

When I type "write" I mean I will actually write stuff down on paper! Typing this out on computer screens or on the iPad is the newest craze, but you don't get the infamous glare from ruled sheets of 8.5"x11" that you would normally get from your computer monitor. Along with the satisfaction of taking your work with you to the office, manuscript doesn't need to be plugged in or a battery to work! #WINNING...well, almost...I haven't started yet.

I will try to finish before the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup, otherwise this may take awhile.


I have a habit of texting friends at random with messages like "Hi!" and "Hey!". While this my look innocent, some friends do not expect to receive messages from those of us who are largely AWOL during the week. Texting your friends, who did not see since graduation years ago, isn't a good idea either, as I found out this week -_- Since leaving Facebook, my creepiness level decreased about 200% and my average email length also decreased about fivefold. However, my fear of not being heard, and the need to communicate with other human beings at random times of the day increased about...300% (rough estimate).

Hopefully, I don't offend anyone else in my dwindling circle of REAL friends with my CREEPY TEXTS o_O Say NO to CREEPY TEXTS!

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