Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Busy Movie Star Glasses Girl

Remember the old slogan, "Pick Your Battles"? Well, when Movie Star Glasses Girl is busy or reading a book, please remember to be patient. Should such a case arise, this may trigger a memory about learning guitar fingerings for that song you are learning to play. It always helps to have something to do, so have it at hand: Don't just yank it out whenever "that moment" with Movie Star Glasses Girl is not present. If luck should change, it could serve as a conversation tool when she finishes whatever she is doing.

On a sidenote, today's cellphones are equipped with all sorts of gadgets. Whether they play music, record videos, or play an elaborate ringtone for each different person that calls, cellphones can do lots of cool stuff, and they also do lots of damage.

Be careful, not only how you use your cell phone, but where you use it. Holding it up directly at someone isn't HIP, even if you aren't using the camera feature :( Plus, refrain from using it at restaurants or public meeting places, unless you are at a Deadmau5 concert. No one calls my cell phone, but whenever I need to make a call or text someone I just use my phone wherever I am; there may come a situation where that's not cool, and someone could misinterpret something :( Please exercise caution when using cellphones. Potentially, there could be serious social and legal ramifications even when making an innocent phone call to your mom. With that said, be safe out there :) Happy Dialing :D

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