Friday, November 11, 2011


Hi everybody. Sorry things were quiet on here, and on my YouTube channel. The last few weeks were hectic, to say the least, and I am in the midst of another busy month.

My guitar and piano practices are moving along, and with every session comes new ideas about what to write and which songs to cover. I plan on uploading a set of songs to my channel, not just one or two, but I'm not at the stage where I can cover "In My Place" by Coldplay, or anything like that. My friend Jessica, who is from Richmond, is keeping me honest about the whole CHALLENGE thing, and I am confident I can fulfill my end of the bargain in December. I think back to the days when I covered a Neil Young tune, and posted it on my Facebook page; oh dear, what was I thinking? That was years ago, when I didn't know what I was doing in front of the piano. Now I sort of get the instrument, but only sort of... o_O Does that make sense? Insert GRATUITIOUS CUTE KITTEN VIDEO!

I'm still thinking about getting a personalized drum kit. Something simple yet patriotic; I'm talking about the colour scheme of the drums, but drums cost money, and I'm thinking too far ahead. Since I started playing piano I got better at the drums. I asked my drummer friend Adam about the relationship between piano and drums, and he says there are rhythmic and percussion elements to the physical playing of the piano keys. I also asked my piano playing friend Bethany about the same thing, and if I know anything about silence, it is that silence is golden! Thanks guys! ^_^

I'm doing a lot of public speaking this month, so there isn't a lot of time left for practicing. There is a small window during the next two weeks where I can work toward completing the MUSIC CHALLENGE. I really want to see this through, not just because of the CHALLENGE but I felt like I missed out on something when I quit piano twenty years ago. I would like to see if the ability is still there, and if I can still carry a tune. ^_^

I'm still writing for here, and on my hockey blog "Behind Blue Lines". Follow me on Twitter @PhilHollywood to keep up to speed with all the happenings and what not! Search "PhilHollywood82" on YouTube and check out my videos there, too. I didn't post any NEW content in recent times, but if you subscribe then you will be among the first to see and hear what a twenty-nine year old dude looks like when he spends twenty years away from the piano, takes it up again, and then practices for several months before uploading a video of him covering a song or playing a new tune.

Remember: hashtag #CheeseFTW; See you next inning!

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