Friday, September 30, 2011

The Return

Well, it was a great ten months of working in a small, family business, exploring Southern Ontario, meeting new people, making new friends, winning the city championship for baseball over the summer, reawakening dormant social skills (more on that one later), and finding out what I missed about the great world during those years of inactivity. I learned a lot about writing, too, and discovered that there is more to life than going overboard and spamming people day after day. Twitter gave me an opportunity to publish my blog and post my musings on the message boards on the farthest corners of the earth, and make some potentially exciting new friendships via Twitter and Google+ (including one with an up and coming Youtube "peasant" from Richmond, Virginia, and a new and HIP alternative rock band from Tampa...more on that later! LOL XD)

A sobering thought, which I discovered blowing out my knee during a baseball game over the summer, is I am not getting younger and I should cherish every moment and every friendship. There are times when going bananas is cool, like during a Dr. Mario church Tournament, but there is never a good time to spam the living daylights out of people you care about. As I enter this new chapter in my life, I hope I can reach as many people as I can without losing my identity and becoming an overbearing, needy leech. There are still things about me which need to change, and God willing, those habits I formed back in the day will no longer hamper my present and future relationships. Hooray for time management and the lessons learned from piano and guitar practice sessions ^_^ Now, I really can't wait to see what is in store for me as we enter the autumn, and progress into the winter. I'm so stoked about this year and 2012, I'm going to post an image, and then embed a video about a music group I think is HIP. We follow each other in a great, big circle ^_^ ...on Twitter o_O

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