Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Mr. Tebow

The prognosticators and critics all said their fill, both teams practiced all week, defenses analyzed every scheme, players prepared for every play, and fans of different veins prayed for success for their team and failure for the other.

There is no question the odds are against you, as many reminded you the past four weeks, if not last week, in this most pressure packed of games to date. Nevertheless, with every test in the past you passed with every shade of flying colours, on and off the field, and they led you to this moment. No, I'm not talking about football, but rather I'm talking about where you are right now. At this moment, the world looks to you in anticipation, for direction for something so fantastic and so incredible it defies comprehension. At this moment, the world also looks to you with blood in their eye, for your humiliation, and to only reject your plan and everything you stand for.

Know this: In this moment, which is now and in the next, turn your eyes upon Jesus. Never mind the end result, the victories, the defeats, the triumphs, the dejections, "Tebow Time", the art of Tebowing, or even the final score; know that in the eyes of The One, who counts the most, when you turn to Him "He will never leave you nor forsake you" says the Lord. He is already so proud of you for beating the odds, which were that you would turn to Him in your hour of need and depend on Him for strength and guidance, and now He is calling on you more than ever in this moment in your life. After all, your life is a life based on beating those odds; do not turn away from the Lord who never and could never turn His back to you (1 Chronicles 28:19-21)

When there are no more moments, and the final whistle blows.
When the fans of every colour return to their happy homes.
When critics say "I told you so", and "The do's became the don't's".
In the end, it's Jesus Christ whose words will mean the most:
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant".

God bless,
Phil Wood

P.S. Go Steelers?

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