Monday, December 19, 2011

Korea On My Mind

I was correct when I thought it was awhile since I last wrote for "Just Phil". Right now, I have Utopia playing on iTunes, so forgive me for being detached or otherwise distracted when I started writing (Listening to the Utopia tune "Wildlife" from the "POV" Album ^_^; eventually, I turned off the music. Guess where I stopped the music; I think you will be pleasantly surprised)

On a serious note, however, there is mixed reaction to the news of embattled and controversial North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il's passing. Scenes of mass mourning in the capital city of Pyongyang aired all over the world, from news media outlets to YouTube; the video was one of them:

Kim Jong-Il had numerous opponents, if not enemies, all over the world. The 38th parallel is the border that separates communist North Korea from the democratic South Korea; since the end (?) of the Korean War in 1953 the tension and uncertainty between the two nations grew with each passing year: North Korea and the United States signed the ceasefire agreement, but South Korea did not. Therefore, as a friend of mine visited the 38th parallel a year or so ago, you will see scenes like this:

This is not a rant or asking the question 'can you spot the actor?'. There are millions of people on the northern side of the 38th parallel, millions south of that border, and many more billions affected by what decisions the deceased's son and new North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un (?), his subordinates, and other allies/enemies. A prayer must go to Koreans of all stripes as their concerns about family, welfare, security, and the future need swift and positive answers. These are real people with major concerns and they need, first and foremost, our thoughts and prayers. Politics aside, I think all of Korea needs at least one moment of peace, and maybe more scenes like this:

Since I'm on Christmas vacation, I will try to be a little more active with this blog: Last week, I was in a hurry to finish my work before going on holidays, so I could only write a couple things on my hockey blog "Behind Blue Lines".

You know what is a great Utopia tune? The live "Midnight Special" version of "Freedom Fighters" ^_^

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