Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Standing Eight Count

Consider an objective approach: There are at least two possibilities used to determine why the single life continues. One, if playing games and finding cute ways to skirt the serious issues of life in order to win something or earn a badge are more fun and interesting than being direct, then go for it. No one likes being shut down, and neither does Movie Star Glasses Girl: Indecisiveness is already a "No" because she never had to answer that question, respond to that statement about the weather or her deep red hair, or even say a word. Hey, no one reminded her that cell phone she was fooling around with fell to the floor of the city bus, and lies in the middle of the walkway!

Two, being shut down is like "par for the course". Granted having steady-to-steamy relationships with multiple girls, who wear movie star glasses, at once and string them along like a choreographed ballet of Hello Kitty mascots could only mean disaster somewhere down the road. For those with good intentions and eagle-eye focus on that ONE girl wearing movie star glasses at the back of the bus, recent form in relationship-building does not mean a horrible person lives underneath that skin. To get a girlfriend or boss-lady takes enormous courage, not just to speak up and pursue her, but to allow for the possibility she will say "No". Now, the thought of marriage may be far from this point, but why else would you go after that girl who sits in the back of the city bus and wears movie star glasses? Kicks?! Those would not be good intentions, are they?

Stop being DOWN, pick up the count from the referee, and stand up when he reaches eight. There is a lot of fight left inside, and good guys never play to lose.

Dear Movie Star Glasses Girl,

Thanks for being such a good sport about these blogs; I'll see you very soon? :)


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