Monday, November 12, 2012

Where Did I Go?

Writing was that thing I used to do.

So, how are you? That's good, but don't overdo it, otherwise you will get sick. It's mid-November, and almost a month since I wrote anything on my blogs. Quite a few major things, personal and otherwise, occurred in my life during that span; although I can't share EVERYTHING with you, I can share the humorous and insightful bits, ^_^ because that is what you came to see o_O

How do you be as annoying as me, and earn this badge? ^_^
Activate your foursquare account and find out! (I am not
receiving kickbacks for promoting Foursquare)

  • I got a new phone! It's an Android phone with a video touch screen, and working camera. Already I shot a few things and uploaded photos to Instagram. If you click the link, it will show you the latest photo I uploaded since writing this piece. I also discovered something called Foursquare ^_^ A few of my friends have foursquare accounts, but I'm already setting records and annoying everyone with my constant status updates. I even picked up a badge for being annoying over the course of the day: Overshare LOL I will have more on my foursquare experience in a later blog.
  • Music practice: Piano and guitar are coming along, and I performed for a few people so far. I am nowhere near Carnegie Hall or Grand Ole Opry material, but the goal is to be competent, and encourage a younger, musically inclined person to be all they can be, and do better than I could.
  • A new computer: I put the final payment on my new computer last month, therefore I can officially call this iMac mine ^_^ The transition from PC to Mac is strenuous and fraught with awkward moments o_O Where I work we have PCs, so Alt+W does not close windows! I am still at a lost to what the other "function" key does on the Mac keyboard. Sidenote: I own a wireless keyboard, which allows me to type from anywhere in my room. Right now, I am typing from my bed; I changed the sheets yesterday, and they are quite nice. Now, I am typing  with my back turned and facing the closet. Let me see if this worked...yes, it did ^_^ The final test: Typing from outside! (Phil is such a dork) HEY, WHO WROTE THAT?!
  • I got sick: Last week, I thought I could put style over safety, I decided to dress up a bomber jacket with a striped scarf, and wear the deadly combo to work. Unfortunately, the wind was howling, and it blew cold air at my neck, which would be covered by my jacket if I didn't unzip the top to show off my trendy scarf >_< So, being sick for a whole week was fun. My nose is still stuffed, and I have occasional bouts with mucous all over the streets of the Greater Toronto Area -_- I have no one else to blame but me, but until I reach that conclusion I will throw everyone else under the bus.
Finally, I started filming again. I uploaded a prototype video of me celebrating the fact I can upload straight from iMovie with my video camera. I had terrible audio problems before, but the camera picks up the sound from my voice and other sources very well. I have a list of projects to work on, and now I can complete them ^_^

As you can see, life is busy LOL What did you do last month? ^_^

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