Monday, May 21, 2012

Skateboarders Who Happen to Be Girls

I don't talk about individual YouTubers that often, because I don't want to sound like a fanboy or creepy o_O Nevertheless, I really like the ones I do talk about on this blog, and I am a longtime supporter of theirs. I don't want this to be an infomercial, but it so happens the next story involves one such YouTube personality. Anyway, here it goes...

A bunch of us got together for a picnic lunch at a city park on Sunday afternoon, and we were waiting for the burgers and hot dogs to finish grilling so we could eat. My friends Nathan (Hi Nathan), Jessica (Hi Jessica), and I were hanging out by the swings, and somehow we got on the subject of girl skateboarders, and how scarce they are on the face of the earth. They are not scarce on a "dodo sighting" level, or a "I was alive the last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup" level, but the consensus in our group is there aren't that many around.

Her tagline: Good morning, burries! ^_^
Then I remembered one female skateboarder, and a famous one at that. I told my friends about Meghan Camarena, but to most people, who know her from YouTube, she is Strawburry17. I found her through another famous YouTuber I watch, and her friendly nature, optimism, and cutie-patootie voice are quite delightful and contagious. When she isn't skateboarding, she could be co-hosting an online entertainment show directed to teens, vlogging about what food she is eating, talking about or covering the latest music, or hanging out with friends ^_^ She's also a Christian, which is nice. It's comforting knowing there is a source to one's happiness and/or perspective on life, and her consistency and faith is very endearing.

A person with a heart for Jesus is someone whose value exceeds gold and diamonds ^_^ Their friendship, or at least in the way they look out for you or even pray for you can make all the difference in the world. Hold on to those people as best you can, because they will have such a profound effect on you. Thanks, Meghan!

Anyway, for Nathan and Jessica, PROOF GIRLS SKATEBOARD!

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