- Out of the blue, you write really long, soul searching, thought provoking emails about your life story to friends who are hardly prepared to receive that kind of information, and don't really know you. Either they end up in the online 'junk' folder, or come back to haunt you should you ever run for public office. Please don't creep out potential good friends with ultra-personal information you don't want anyone else to know o_O As Bill Cosby would say, "it's just pure de-wrong!"
- If it's a stupid idea, then you are smart for not doing it. Many times, I neglected this advice, and many more times ended up paying for it. Think everything through seven times, if it scores 9/7 in stupidity, then it is...stupid.
- I write Word documents on how to meet people. These would be helpful, if I wasn't the only one reading them. It turns your thoughts inward, lacks common sense, and shuns proper advice from your mentors.
- There is no "Creep-Check" in Facebook. Think of how you would feel if someone wrote what you are about to send; if your answer is anything like 'bad' or 'awful' or 'angry', don't send it!
Now, if only I can apply this to my list of things to do, then I can bring down my creep score on this survey. In the meantime, I'll stay off Facebook for a little while longer... o_O
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