Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Stain

There is no feeling in the sport of baseball or in any team sport, worse than believing you single-handedly lost a game for your entire team. Whether rightly or wrongly, that feeling belongs to one person, and it is that person's choice to live with that feeling, or let that feeling live off them.

Six years ago, an unsure rookie worked his way up from an unsteady right fielder to the backup shortstop position in his softball team in the city weekend league. On a rainy August afternoon, he slid towards a soft, catchable pop fly and instead bounded it toward home plate with his left knee thus loading the bases. Two pitches, a triple in deep left centre field, three runs batted in, and a lost lead later, the shortstop was inconsolable, and his position as the #2 shortstop guy was gone. In the end, all that remained was me, and a stain.

I still have the shirt from that year, as well as the dirt stain on his left shoulder. After booting the pop fly, I rolled over and slammed his glove before getting to his feet, and as a result of rolling over the stain emerged on his shirt. That Saturday night, under a running faucet of warm water, and a near empty box of bleach powder, I scrubbed, brushed, rubbed, wet, and pounded the stain with bleach until all that remained was a small yet noticeable patch of brown. The hours spent cleaning by hand did next to nothing, nor did the cleaning absolve me of guilt for costing the team the game. The experience did teach me something about the game of baseball, which I love though you wouldn't know that from my demeanour that night, but it also taught me about who I was.

Don't laugh! That picture got me four hundred hits on
ChristianMingle! o_O
Every grass stain on my baseball pants, and every dirt patch on my shirt tells a story. Stories of heroic deeds*, thrilling upsets, overcoming injury, fear, confidence, arrogance, victories and defeats, but the common thread, literally and figuratively, is there was someone who always tried his best.

  • The mud spray all over my white baseball pants with blue piping: During a rainstorm, I ran through a puddle to field a ground ball.
  • The countless black baseball socks with holes in the shins from various attempts at making diving, no, heroic catches in the outfield* (Hi Kevin).
  • Standing in the middle of right field in dry, weathered, red cleats, and watching two groups of people shouting and yelling at each other during a championship game because the rain & lightning started in the last inning, and members of the losing team, which was batting, thought the leading team on the field was trying to call the game prematurely.

    New rule: If you don't wear your stirrups or socks up to
    Cardinals relief pitcher Pat Neshek level height, you'll be
    ejected from the game.
I don't want to bore you other baseball and softball stories from the past twenty-five years of my life, but with every big fish story there is a sense of missed opportunity and dread. Why did I leave that baseball player with the stain on his shirt at that field? Baseball was not only my escape, but a chance to become someone else: A dependable, capable, focused, and sometimes goofy teammate, competitor, and friend. Why can't I be that kind of baseball player away from the diamond? Why can't I be that kind of person now? Who am I? Am I making sense? Who am I?

I don't pretend to know all the answers, nevertheless I would like to say I'm closer to being a synthesis of regular Phil and baseball player Phil now than I was in 2008 or 2011. Baseball is a team sport based on a chain of events by individual people. o_O If that makes no sense, then baseball is a series of games within a game, and if baseball mirrors life than maybe I'm just an individual trying to play the "game" within a game, only I'm on a team full of teammates wearing stained shirts.

I hope we're on the same baseball team, and I hope you're not tired of me, and want to put me on waivers?! Please don't do that; who will make all of those heroic catches in the outfield?*

* - Insert eye roll here

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Now that I'm thirty-two, I should admit some things about my life you may or may not know about me. These may come as complete surprises to some, but to others it is just an affirmation of things they suspected.
No, there's nothing here too alarming...or at least there shouldn't be. o_O
  1. I complained about being single a lot. I felt entitled to some sort of reward for doing all the right things in life. I realized too late I received my reward in full: An empty house. I'm sorry for that, but I deserve it, too.
  2. Baseball gives me the most joy. Where else can you forget who you are for an indefinite amount of time?
  3. I can never trust bug spray manufacturers like OFF! It's a spray can full of irony.
  4. I already started giving away my track jackets. Years ago, I bought an extra rack for all of them because they wouldn't fit in my closet. Now I'm getting rid of the clothes I don't wear anymore.
    Here, I get to be someone else, for a change.
    1. The books that changed my life forever I gave away. I think good books should leave your possession, and go to people you love, so they can enjoy them the same way you did. I will never own another copy of Watership Down or Kingdom Come again. Superman: Red Son? Maybe.
    2. I hate taking off my baseball cap in the middle of a game. The sweat irritates the scalp, and the heat makes everything worse! By the end, I'm a scratching post.
    3. After five years, I stopped going to my favourite restaurant. I went there last week, and all four waiters ignored me, and served people who came after me. That was two days after my birthday; I was going to spend more than fifteen dollars on food!
    4. I was on Christian Mingle. Oh yeah, I was there. I made a few good and wonderful friendships thanks to that site, and there were times I was quite the embarrassment to the family. There's nothing better than your Dad "accidentally" opening your email account to read your private emails from CM. What keeps me from going back there is remembering who I was, or who I am.
    5. I used to scream when those generic, professional cute couple and wedding couple photos appeared on my computer screen. I usually just stay silent now, and avoid those web pages in the future.
    6. As bad as things are, I still want to help people. Even if it's only one person who makes it, if there's something about my bad decision making or poor choices that convinces someone not to take the same path I did, then that's alright.

    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    Life On The Disabled List (From MAJOR LEAGUE GOOFBALL)

    I broke my finger on May Day at a construction site, so I get to start the softball season on the fifteen day disabled list. What joy! ^_^ (Tears everywhere...)

    I thought this Sunday was my first game of 2014, but instead it looks as though June, if not the week following the May Long Weekend, will be when I make my triumphant return to the glorious game (I'm Canadian).

    Michael Cuddyer, like most Major League ballplayers, is no stranger to injury,
    and the DISABLED LIST. Blogger Phil Wood shares his first experience
    on the dreaded list, and what that could mean to him personally.
    There is something quite romantic and tragic about awaiting the return to the game, and literally crossing the foul line, or entering the batter's box to start a softball game. I'm leaving emotional baggage, stress, physical restrictions, my job, car payments, credit card bills, lack of a long-term and meaningful partner, the demands of my parents, and my identity behind to play a sport, and become a new person - a useful person. Since 2008, I stepped over the foul line, and became a different person each time...
    • #7 NITRO
    • #10 KNOCKOUT
    • #19 JUDAH
    • #22 McCUTCHEN
    • #66 STEAMPUNK
    • #74 MERLIN
    • #82 HOLLYWOOD
    • #87 MONDAY

    As long as I wasn't me, things would be alright. With this injury, however, I can't help but be me. It will be a new sensation to watch your team win, lose, coast, or struggle and not be in the trenches alongside them. I found a note in my kitbag, which I scribbled years ago, during a team practice a couple of weeks before my injury.
    1. Goals for the Summer:
      1. Improve fielding
      2. Improve batting
      3. Better communicator
      4. Better person
    2. Don't take things personal: 
      1. Your actions will/won't bring the world crashing down around you.
      2. Stay in control.
      3. Trust people.
    3. JESUS is a cool guy who saved the world and brought it back with the "fundamentals" (Matthew 22:36-40: Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18)
    At the bottom of my note, I drew a picture of a dude dressed as one of the Kansas City Royals. He is wearing a catcher's mitt, and he has a giant nose. I'll scoot down to the game Sunday night, and support the team if I can. I'm also on painkillers, so coupled with the injury to my hand I can't drive for a couple of weeks, and that's crazy! >_<

    Sunday, April 27, 2014

    Basketball, Donald Sterling, and Instagram


    I wrote a short piece about the Donald Sterling/Clippers controversy on another website here. I would copy and paste, but there is a bug when you copy from particular websites to Blogger, so I will just add a link to it.

    In case the above link doesn't work, copy and paste the URL typed below.


    Thursday, January 9, 2014

    Music Challenge 2K14

    Earlier this week, my keyboard of two years went kaput. I thought it wasn't pulled in, and it was. I changed to another fresh adaptor, and it didn't work. I even went to battery power, and still none of the lights came on. I saved the box, when I purchased it with the one year warranty in 2012 :[

    My guitars are fine and in good working order. I get a free tune-up from the music store, where I purchased my bass, the Prima Fusion, and I want to get that done within the next two months. Other than that, everything is in tip-top shape, and I have extra strings on hand.

    The loss of my keyboard leads to a big decision: I could purchase a new keyboard, but then again an electronic drum kit could be the wave of the future. I shopped drum kits in the past, and they were either HUGE or expensive. I don't want to keep buying new "toys", and put off my Big Move to another time.

    Here is my list of music things for 2014

    • Keyboard/Synthesizer, which would include a subwoofer o_O woof woof
    • Electronic drum kit with realistic sounds, and it folds up ^_^
    • Second guitar (Fender), preferably in pink (why are you looking at me like that?)
    I can plug the synthesizer into my computer, which makes recording a little easier. Then again, a drum kit would equal having rhythm for the first time, and for someone who played drums at fourteen this would be really nice ^_^ All I have rhythm-wise are three egg shakers o_O Time to get cracking LOL

    Of course, I could buy both, but finances are tricky just now post-Christmas shopping, and I don't want to overdraft.

    Don't worry about the pink guitar; the music store is sold out of those T_T (They were a different brand, so no tears were shed...much)

    Finally, some good news!

    Good news, I wrote a song and sang in dorian mode o_O The lyrics are preliminary, but I hope to have something soon.

    Wednesday, January 1, 2014

    Happy New Year 2014. Now, Down To Business

    I typed the following on my tumblr blog, and liked it so much that I reposted it here. Happy New Year and all that stuff o_O

    Every time I search "forever alone" I think, "There are a lot of upset people here." I want to help, but it's a ton of work for only one person.

    A little insight into who I am: I was single back when Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on television, even before Manchester United won the English league championship in 1993 ending a drought lasting twenty-five years. I called it being “zero-for-zero”, and I was routinely told by the culture in which I lived and by some women I was interested in that I was “not good enough”. This is the part where I tell you about how long I was in a relationship, and how coming out of a week-long break from my girlfriend makes me an expert on everything you are feeling, and “don’t worry”, and “don’t stop believing”, and insert Disney Prince/Princess picture here, and use hollow Notebook, Gossip Girl, and TVD references, but I can’t do that. I could never do that.

    I can promise you this:

    1. You are not alone.
    2. You are a person.
    3. You are valid.
    4. We are in this together.
    If you are looking for a laugh or need a sounding board to bounce or exchange ideas, then I’ll do my best to help. Keep in mind, I don’t have all the answers, and I have angry and sad days just like you. This is an open idea that perhaps we should help each other out before we do something destructive.

    Are you in?