Like Captain Ahab venturing out to sea to capture the elusive Moby Dick, or the Boston Red Sox and the "Curse of the Bambino" from 1918-2003, I made numerous ventures to win at the classic board game, "SORRY!", only to fall short...every time o_O Not once in my almost thirty years of life did I ever win in a game of SORRY; for whatever reason the stacked deck of cards in the middle of the board gave me numbers meant to push me into the Home space, and then back out onto the field of play, where my opponents would slide me out of the way or switch places with me and drop my game piece on the other side of the board >_< Every chance at victory went the same way: Before reaching for the penultimate, "winning" card I would turn to my friends and say a few words such as:
"Well, my friends, you are about to witness history. Moments from now I will pick the card, read aloud the number "3", move the fourth and final blue game piece in the Home Space, and celebrate my first ever victory in the game of SORRY. I thank you all for bearing witness to the greatest moment of my life."
Then, of course, I would reach for the deck, pick up the top card, turn it over, look at the number, and yell in a loud voice:
That always happened to me when I play this game, so much so that I accepted not winning SORRY. My friends seemed to enjoy playing SORRY with me: One of them was going to be really happy at the end of the game >_< However, I showed them...
Phil on SORRY!: Anger, Hatred, Violence...! |
Almost immediately, the fun and the laughter returned to the game of SORRY. Yes, I always play to win, but if I don't win the game, that's alright because the SILLLVER MEDAL is within grasp, and I always won the SILLLVER MEDAL. Finishing second in SORRY, for me anyway, is a wonderful thing: You get up from the table with both fists clenched in the air, walking in triumph as the retainer of the SILLLVER MEDAL. No one remembers who won that game of SORRY, but everyone remembers who won second place! ^_^ Sometimes, even the winner of the game wished she finished in second place. I can't remember the last time I played SORRY or had that much fun, but I miss feeling that way. Only in the Wizard card game or "Ticket To Ride" did I ever enjoy playing a game as much as I did playing SORRY; I miss that.
FOREVER ALMOST CHAMPIONS: Phil, Finland celebrate silver medal winning performance in SORRY! |
By the way, you cannot use the slide, if it is the same coloured slide as your game piece. There I said it; you can't do it! I am a member of Team "You Can't".
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