A few weeks ago, I was checking out YouTube during my lunch break at work, and I stumbled on a collection of movies done by a girl called "BLT". Soon, I realized why Brittani Louise Taylor received so many hits and supporters of her channel, Twitter account, and website. Her super-enthused, bubbly, cupcake-loving personality is a hit among YouTubers, and it wasn't long before I began following a person I once thought to be weirder than me, or wired completely different. Observe o_O
o_O Wow...as you can see, she is VERY upbeat and positive. REALLY positive.
So, why am I talking about on my blog, you ask? Well, I was on YouTube and I discovered Brittani uploaded a video recently. She told her fans she was laying low for awhile because her father had to go to the hospital for cancer treatment. About a year earlier, Brittani told her many fans about her dad and the good news & bad news about his condition. This struck a chord with me as a member of my family had a recent bout with cancer, but we caught it early enough and the member of our family is now cancer free and "living it up". Nevertheless, it was really difficult to watch someone, who I grew to admire in a short space in time for her perkiness and magnetic personality, having a tough time with cancer in her family.
I don't ask a lot of my readers, but I ask you all to check out BLT's website, Twitter page, or even her Facebook page, and let her know we are all thinking and praying for her and her family. She came through for some of us in some small way, and now it's time to get behind her and show our support ^_^
Dear Brittani,
From a fan, I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take all the time you need to be with your family, and know we all support you and love you very much. Thank you for all that you do (BIG HUGS!).
Phil W.
P.S. Do guys write (BIG HUGS)? Oh well, now you have two ^_^
According to a reliable source (@brittanitaylor), her Dad is feeling better and will be released in a few days :D He will stay over in LA for a couple weeks. I suppose this is for observation :) Really great news, indeed. Keep praying for BLT and her family, everyone!